We all know that we should back up all the time, especially if we’re going to go tinkering with OS X’s insides.
Seeing someone had accidentally messed up their dock resources folder (found in /System/Library/Core Services/Dock.app/Contents/Resources) I posted in the macrumors forums with a download link for the folder in question.
A year or so later I removed the file from my hosting, only to be bombarded with emails and PMs from others who’d done exactly the same thing – who’d have thought it!
Below you can find a link to the dock resources folder for Snow Leopard.
I’ve been asked for Leopard and other OS X versions of the folder. If you have these then do email them to me so I can add them here!
Snow Leopard 10.6.1: 10.6.1 Resources.zip
Snow Leopard 10.6.3: 10.6.3 Resources.zip
And for the future?
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